CCWA blesses Hong Ning staff and residents.

Saturday 29 July 2023

On Saturday Father Ron Houreld and Father Letsie conducted a worship and mass service before Mrs.Lily Loo and the Catholic Chinese Welfare Association handed out goodie parcels and sponsored lunch and tea for Hong Ning residents and staff.

Thank you to Jason Fung, Dylan Ho, Quentin Loo and Maureen Ming Sun’s grandchildren Ethan and Devin Mitchley for participating and interacting so intimately with our residents. It was really encouraging to see our youth caring for the senior folk.

Thank you to Shirlene Fung, Thabo and Sanele for arranging the day and preparing the food.

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the CCWA and their pastoral leadership for your continual material, moral and spiritual support. Your ongoing involvement in the home means the world to us. May the Lord richly bless you.